It's so nice thinking about you
And to have a lover like you

You are so lovable that
I can't stop loving you

You are in my mind that
I can't stop thinking about you

You are in my heart that
You make me alive

You are in my feelings that
I feel you in my senses

You are in my emotions that
I feel so intense

You are in my intensity that
I feel you within me

You are in my soul that
I am never apart from you

You give me security that
I feel you surround

You give me support that
I never feel helpless

You give me courage that
I feel so strong

You give me inspiration that
I can do the best I can

You soothe me when I am sad that
I never feel lonely

You give me joy that
I am always happy

It's so nice thinking about you
And to have a lover like you